Brief Case Study
About student: Shatakshi Gupta, a pre-final student of Electronics and Communications at SATI, Vidisha MP
Skills acquired during TechSaksham: SAP Conversational AI, LinkedIn profile enhancement, employability skills
Impact: Shatakshi’s impressive chatbot making skills acquired during TechSaksham program led her to get an internship offer without her having to apply first. EnR contacted her on LinkedIn for an interview and after the interview they hired her for a 6 month long paid internship.
She applied her learnings in her capstone project which involved making a healthcare chatbot that would provide support and ease the burden on the professionals in this field during the pandemic.
Detailed Case Study

Student: Shatakshi Gupta, Mentor: Avinash Seth
Do you believe that in addition to a conducive learning environment taking initiative and responsibility for oneself is an integral part of growing? Read more to know about Shatakshi Gupta, a pre-final student of Electronics and Communications at SATI, Vidisha who proactively worked on enhancing her technical and employability skills, under the TechSaksham program.
- Interview: While maximizing learning she built her own door to opportunities by showcasing the application of her learnings with respect to chatbots, on LinkedIn. Her impressive chatbot making skills led her to get an internship offer without her having to apply first. EnR contacted her on LinkedIn for an interview and after the interview they hired her for a 6 month long paid internship.
- Learnings: Shatakshi shared, “Before joining the course I never thought I could make a chatbot. After joining, I learned many new concepts and was able to make a healthcare chatbot using SAP Conversational AI with guidance from my mentor and help from my teammates. The chatbot asks for the user’s symptoms and responds accordingly with possible diagnosis, links for additional reading, and medication. I want to thank my mentor for encouraging me to build a LinkedIn profile and share the chatbot features there. It was a fun experience and I am still learning how to choose correct tags and hashtags to reach out to maximum people. I felt very happy when my chatbot post got recognized and helped me get an internship.”
- Capstone project: In a discussion she shared, “In the middle of a pandemic, the workload on health workers has increased, so I chose a healthcare chatbot to provide support and ease the burden on the professionals in this field.”
- Shatakshi draws her inspiration from her father who is a railway section engineer. Her parents have been supportive of her and were delighted upon knowing her recent achievements under the TechSaksham program. She hopes to use her technical skills to make a difference in society by solving real world problems.